Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday... getting back on track... *hopefully*

Breakfast: 1 wheat tortilla wrap, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds,1/2 banana Total Cals: 305

Lunch: Subway Chicken Salad, 2 tablespoons fat free Italian dressing, 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds, apples, Quaker Chocolate Chip Granola bar 385 cals

Snack: Peach, Dannon lite n fit yogurt cup, 1 whole wheat cracker 140 cals

Snack: Dannon Lite N Fit yogurt drink (mid work out snack) 70 cals

Dinner: Chickpea, spinach, and eggplant curry; 3/4 cup quinoa, 3 cups salad, 2 tablespoons light Italian dressing 540 cals

Total: 1,440 calories

I have been really bad the past week. I binged and skipped workouts.
Today I am trying to get back on track. I always want sweets.
I feel alot better when I stick to my healthy eating plan-it helps me feel sane and in control. When I overeat, I feel guilty, bloated, uncomfortable, embarrased, ashamed, and let down. When I skip a workout, I feel bad and upset. When I workout and eat right, I feel good and in control. I like to feel in control-it helps me to keep my train of thought smooth, and my emotions steady.

Workout: 1 hour treadmill, 40 reps each: arms, abs

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